What we do

DavosPharma offers services from early preclinical investigative research to validation of drug targets.

Our technical staff has expertise in medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, microbiology, protein purification, in- vitro assay development and optimization, cell biology, imaging, immunology, pharmacology, toxicology and pathology.

Our clients fall under the following categories:

  • Academic Research Institutes

  • Established Biotech

  • Emerging Biotech

  • Big Pharma

  • Electronics Companies (high purity chemistry needs)

DavosPharma is leading the industry, always evolving to add value in new ways to enhance our customer’s experience. We will work with you on a specific service or across an entire drug development process.

We Build Drugs

Whether your company has ten employees or ten thousand, DavosPharma has the resources and energy to deliver the Discovery, Chemistry and Formulation Services you need.